
The Movie

A film about the magic of love and the meaning of life!

The artist Philipp Marton (Thomas Busse) has been living in seclusion on an old country estate for several years due to a severe stroke of fate. One day, while he is painting outside, Lisa (Julia Domenica Busse), a young woman, appears who collapses near him, completely drunk. He takes care of the unconscious woman and lets her sleep off her intoxication in his house.

When they meet the next morning, two completely different worlds collide. The tension between Lisa and Philipp, their dislike and fascination for each other, bring issues to the surface that both stir up inside. The question of the meaning of life is in the foreground! It is a well-known fact that opposites attract and so over time they become closer and closer. But then the story takes an unexpected turn and their blossoming affection is put to the test!

A film – entertaining and profound at the same time – that thrives on the charisma of the two main actors, is refreshingly different and relies more on the flair of French than American films. Spiritual, red-hot themes develop in this story as if by themselves, without pathos, down-to-earth, but still full of poetry. It touches the heart in a special way, makes you think and gives courage. Above all, however, it tells of the magic of love and its healing power!

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In Cinemas

In Cinemas

“As a former cinema owner with 30 years of experience I was blown away by this movie. This compact produced masterpiece gives you much more than just best cinema entertainment. Spritual values in all there depth join hands with highest art of acting. Pure soul food – far away from any shallow Hollywood production. I witness the new, spiritual film classic here that plays its way into the hearts of entire generations.” – J. A.

“Lisa und der Maler” started a successful run in various cinemas in Germany and Switzerland. Due to Covid-19-restrictions unfortunately all planned screening dates had to be canceled.

Official classification “Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft”


Es ist ein wunderschönes Gesamtkunstwerk, poetisch, zum Nachdenken anregend, Mut machend, und unglaublich authentisch gespielt!

K. K.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu diesem wunderbaren Film; erholsam fürs Auge, da keine Effekthascherei, besinnlich, nachdenklich, humorvoll, traurig und eine Portion Romantik, es knisterte … und die Sehnsucht wächst weiter nach Filmen solcher Art...

A.L. & M.L.

Das ist der beste Film, den ich jemals gesehen habe!

D. K.

Ich bin noch immer zutiefst berührt von diesem wunderbaren spirituellen Film, der so voller Weisheit, Wahrheit und Liebe ist. Ein gelungener, ganz besonderer Film, der jeden der mit dem Herzen guckt, berühren wird. Viele Dank dafür.

R. M. D.

Ich wusste im Voraus, dass der Film gut sein wird, aber dass er mir selbst eines Tages Trost geben wird, hatte ich nicht geahnt. Vielen Dank für diesen wunderbare Werk!

B. T.

Wir waren (…) begeistert! Damit ist Thomas Busse wieder einmal ein wunderbares Werk gelungen; und ich wünsche ihm und allen Menschen, dass der Film in allen Kinos und auch im TV gezeigt wird.

D. B.

Ein spirituelles Meisterwerk, dass seines gleichen sucht. ´Lisa und der Maler` berührt im Herzen und wird noch vielen Menschen ein Glücksgefühl der Liebe vermitteln. Vielen Dank für diesen Film und weiterhin viel Erfolg.

A.D. & H.D.

Der Film war einfach wunderbar. Die Bilder, die Musik und letztendlich die tolle schauspielerische Leistung hat mich sehr beeindruckt. (…) Ich kann ich nur sagen: Hut ab!

C. S.

Zum zweiten Mal und sicher nicht zum letzten Mal sehr berührt gesehen. Erfüllt von vielen guten Gedanken beseelt nach Hause gefahren. Ein Film, der für mich aus vollem Herzen Liebe lebendig werden lässt.

G. G.

Herzlichen Dank für den wunderbaren Film voller Liebe und Seelentiefe. Die Liebe als stärkste Kraft im Universum ist kraftvoll spürbar!

A. R.

Ein wunderschöner Film über die Kraft der Liebe, mit einzigartigen wundervollen Naturaufnahmen!

F. H.

Der Film ist wunderbar, berührend und tiefgründig!

A. K.

Wir haben den Film heute Abend gesehen … waren berührt … es liefen auch Tränen … die Gestik … die sprechenden Gesichter … einfach herrlich. Der Film wirkt nach.

A. & M. L.

Sehr berührend, wunderbar gespielt, mit sehr schönen Aufnahmen!

A. B.

Ein so wunderbarer Film mit wunderschöner Musik und einer ganz tollen Hauptdarstellerin. Der Inhalt des Films ist so wertvoll und gibt Kraft und Zuversicht. Er wirkt “entschleunigend” und dadurch sehr entspannend. Er berührt das Herz.

B. B.

Dieser Film hat uns sehr berührt. Eine wunderschöne Geschichte und traumhafte Landschaften.

Y. S.

Ein wundervoller Film!

T. B.

Super gelungen! Berührend, schön… mir fehlen die Worte.

M. S.

Begeisterung! Nach langer Zeit wurde ich durch die Handlung und die schauspielerische Leistung von einem Film tief berührt. Großartige Leistung der Hauptdarsteller!

I. J.



Thomas Busse, the producer, is known for his many talents. He not only wrote the script for „Lisa and the Painter“ but did the location scouting, casting, setting, costume, wrote the film music, was responsible for the floor and production management, directed, and played one of the main characters – all in one person. Exceptional for the German film business!

As actors he could win e.g. Volker Lippmann, former star of „Sterne des Südens“, a successful ARD series, as well as Erwin Geisler who played in Karl Mays „Winnetou“, German TV series „Verbotene Liebe“, „Lindenstraße“ and other TV formats and can look back on a successful career. As a supporting actor he could engage Claudia Dalchow, best newcomer in the critic survey „Theater NRW 2007“. Especially eye-catching is the wonderful, charismatic actress Julia Domenica Busse in the main role of „Lisa“.

Because Thomas Busse wanted to stay totally free in his decisions and creativity, he aimed for a completely independent funding, without terms, without conditions. So the movie got was financed solely by main sponsor Harald Skroch (Bauplanung Harald Skroch) and private supporters. Something special to add in the end: Since the shooting lead actress Julia Domenica Busse and Thomas Busse are a couple in real life, too, and married since 2019.

You have a personal contact and wish to support the film? Please contact us via e-mail: . Thanks a lot in advance!


Cast & Crew

Julia Domenica (Cast) , copyright: Thomas Busse, "Lisa und der Maler"

Lisa Brendheim is played by JULIA DOMENICA BUSSE

Click here for more information

Julia Domenica attended On-Camera-workshops of the Munich Filmschool as well as several masterclasses and workshops in Cologne, Berlin, Rome, London and L.A. working with teachers like Bernard Hiller, Jeff Erbach, Frank Betzelt.

Her first role came in 1999 as “The Rose” in a theatre adaption of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s “The Little Prince”. One of her favourite experiences in theatre was playing “Nina” in Tschechow’s “The Seagull”. In 2006 she started working in TV and film. Since then she appeared in television series‘ such as “Der letzte Bulle”, “Kommissar Stolberg”, “SOKO Köln”, “Pastewka”. In 2007, she made her film debut as a fan of the main character Finn in Wim Wender’s “Palermo Shooting”. Followed by small appearances in André Erkau’s “Selbstgespräche” and Christoph Hochhäusler’s “Unter Dir Die Stadt”.

In 2012, she entered the international market playing the supporting role of “Jennell T. Steiner” in the English TV production “The Dossier”, including an upper middle class akcent and action scenes.

Julia Domenica also gives several seminars about Flowing Breath Qi Gong, meditation, dance, relaxation and womanhood. She gives sound treatments and is on tour as sound musician. Furthermore she is an author of poetry and has a diploma in Chemistry. Julia Domenica meditates on a daily basis and is an activist for animals and personal transformation.


Thomas Busse (Cast) , copyright: Thomas Busse, "Lisa und der Maler"

Philipp Marton is played by THOMAS BUSSE

Click here for more information

Born in 1963 in Mönchengladbach he early showed his great artistic talent. Since then he uses his great potential of creativity as a musician, writer, audio drama speaker, painter, actor, director and scriptwriter. 1989 he got discovered as actor and slipped somehow “accidently” into this metier. Already 1991 he played his first big leading role as “Wunderapostel” in the filmadaption of the same titled novel. Even big film star Klaus Maria Brandauer was deeply impressed after a screening in Vienna.

Besides the commercialised mainstream Thomas Busse prefers projects with depth. He demands for himself only to be part of those which touch him personally and he can stand behind them. This is one of the reasons why he prefers to realize his own ideas. If he plays in a TV production about the drug problems like “Am Abgrund und darüber hinaus”, acts in the silent film “Quelle der ewigen Jugend”, realizes theatre by the mystic drama of Hans Sterneder “Die große Verwandlung”, does cabaret (e.g. “Gravitationsgeflüster”) and comedy (“Erotik oder Esoterik”), he always looks out for the special. Offers in TV series or commercials he refused so that he became difficult to place for his deceased manager and close friend Oswald Kneip (Inhaber der Künstleragentur “Actors” in Berlin). Relating to this he says: “The role that I am playing is not crucial for me but if a project convinces me. I am one of the lucky ones based on my various activities that I do not have to live on that. For this independence I am very grateful!”

In addition, Thomas Busse holds several seminars for personality development and is, since many years, active for streetkids in Brasilia, SOS-Kinderdörfer, UNICEF and other organisations. To help people is his main heart project. He meditates daily, does a lot of sport and goes out in nature regularly, especially at the ocean, to relax and find calmness and clarity.


Erwin Geisler (Cast) , copyright: Thomas Busse, "Lisa und der Maler"

Marc Tiller is played by ERWIN GEISLER

Click here for more information

Erwin Geisler was born in Hirschberg / Schlesien (nowadays Poland). After his training at the „Schauspielschule v. Zerboni“ in Munich he had his first engagement at the “Württembergischen Landesbühne” in Esslingen followed by the theatres in Pforzheim and Hof. After that he was engaged for 13 years at the Stadttheater Luzern. He played e.g. Clavigo, Don Carlos, Faust and Thomas Becket but also musical roles like the Nestor in “Irma la Duce” and Frank Butler in “Annie get your gun”.

Back in Germany he repeatedly acted in pieces of the “Kleines Theater” in Bad Godesberg, the “Grenzlandtheater” in Aachen, at the „Komödien“ in Düsseldorf and Frankfurt and almost every year at the “Sommertheater Winterthur”.
Since 1960 Erwin Geisler is also active in film and TV. Lately, he did a day player in the ARD series „Rote Rosen“.

Antonia Bergmann (Cast) , copyright: Thomas Busse, "Lisa und der Maler"

Franziska is played by ANTONIA BERGMANN

Click here for more information

Antonia Bergman was born in Bonn. When she was 12 years old she was a member of an independent dance group (1988 – 1996) where she could experience her first contact with the stage (Petrouschka, L’Oiseau de Feu, MusicalGalas, and much more). During her dance education (Studio für Ballett und Tanz 1983 – 1997) and work on stage as a dancer she still went to high school and made her final degree in 1996.

Following Antonia Bergman got immediately booked for her first role at the ‘Euro Theater Central Bonn’ in “Wer bin Ich” after the novel ‘Sofies Welt’ from Jostein Gaarder playing Sofie. Being 20 she started her acting education at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg and finished the education 2001 with a diploma. During her studies she got a scholar ship for a seminar at the acting school Eric Morris in Los Angeles and also attended a school exchange with ‘The Second City’ in Chicago where she did her first experiences in Stand-Up improvisation.

On stage she played roles like Juliette (Romeo and Juliette), Gretchen (Faust), Queen Elisabeth (Don Carlos) and a lot more. Antonia Bergman had engagements at the Ernst Deutsch Theatre Hamburg, Stadttheater Kiel, Contra Kreis Theater Bonn and more. Since 2000 Antonia had played in a lot diverse film and TV productions (Tatort, Bloch, Danni Lowinski, Pastewka, Independent Movies, productions of WDR, SAT1, Teamworx, Endemol, Phoenixfilm, KHM, IFS, and much more).

Further Actors

Rudolf Winkels Volker Lippmann
Kevin Steinfeld Sven Bünemann
Nurse Claudia Weber
Philipp’s Sister
Claudia Dalchow
Lisa’s Grandmother
Ursula Müller-Bohres
Owner of the Café
Eberhard Jansen
Headteacher Andrea Heibach-Kohl
Pupil Daniel
Loic Lopes
Priest Frank Formen
Landlady Astrid Voss
Landlord Martin Brack
Natascha Nina Aziz
Doctor Roland Wohlecker
Mister Weinrot Harald Skroch

The Film Crew

Script & Director Thomas Busse
Camera Felix Peschko
Sound Wilfried Vendey
Sound Assistant
Jan Mielke
Setting & Costume Thomas Busse
Makeup Artist
Julika Leiendecker
Soundtrack Thomas Busse
Editing Thomas Busse
Editing Assistant Julia Domenica Busse
Casting Thomas Busse
Set-Runner Marion & Verena Venedey
Production Management Thomas Busse
Producer Thomas Busse
Main Sponsor
Harald Skroch

The Director


Thomas Busse has been working as a director and screenwriter since 1991. At the age of only 26 he made his directorial debut with the feature film “Der Wunderapostel” (“The Miracle Apostle”). This extraordinary film ran very successfully in many different European countries – 12 weeks in Vienna alone! Even film legend Klaus Maria Brandauer was impressed by Busse’s debut work. “The Miracle Apostle” was shown on television, sometimes at prime time, and continues to enjoy great popularity around the world. In the spiritual scene it is considered an absolute cult film.

In 1994, Thomas Busse began preparing for a new film project, which occupied him for a total of 9 years. The three-part (each 100 minutes), very elaborately made documentary with feature film units “The Gröning Phenomenon” reflects the conflict between general medicine and spiritual healing in a dramatic way. He had scenes with up to 2,500 extras reenacted and interviewed almost 100 contemporary witnesses. Sensitively and persuasively, he pieced together a picture that puts Gröning in a completely new light. The film was shown worldwide, translated into forty languages ​​and, despite its special subject matter, had an overwhelming response.

In the years that followed, Thomas Busse took over the direction of Patrick Süskind’s monodrama “Der Kontrabass” and shot the silent film “Quelle der ewigen Jugend”. He was also involved in acting projects with young people, led improvisation and theater groups and has been giving acting lessons for many years.

His latest feature film “Lisa and the Painter”, the story of which he wrote himself, was successfully released in cinemas in 2018/19 until the “corona crisis” stopped it completely. It is a touching love story with a special depth! Above all, the question of the meaning of life characterizes this work, implemented in the style of French films. As with the feature film “The Miracle Apostle”, he also wrote the screenplay, directed and played one of the main roles. It is his first film, which he also produced himself.

In 2022 another documentary “Bruno Gröning – Call to True Christianity” was released. It is an elaborately made documentary film (around 2 hours) with previously unknown contemporary witnesses reports, original film material, many photos and tape recordings, some of which have not yet been published. The close connection between Bruno Gröning and the teachings of Jesus Christ, free from church affiliations, characterizes the focus of this impressive film.

Regardless of the form in which Thomas Busse is active in this area, he always aims to make films or stage plays that have depth. He says specifically about the medium of film:
“I don’t want to entertain first, but, above all, make people think, inspire people and touch them deep in their hearts. In particular, I see it as one of my life’s tasks to produce films with a spiritual background in order to build people up and bring them closer to a living faith in God.”




Order the soundtrack of „Lisa and the Painter“ here

Short extracts of the original soundtrack of „Lisa and the Painter“


MyRegioTV-Interview "Lisa und der Maler"


Alpenparlament interviews Julia Domenica & Thomas Busse

MyRegioTV at the team premiere

When did you get the idea for “Lisa and the Painter”?”

This story was on my mind for a long time. But the exact time I can’t tell anymore.

Why does it excite you to shoot this feature film despite your various fields of action?

I love to tell stories and through a film you can transport the story in a very special manner. The combination of frame, language and music gives the wonderful chance to touch people deep in their heart.

“Lisa and the Painter” is your first love story. Untypical for you, isn’t it?

Of course, first hand “Lisa and the Painter” is a love story but at the same time very different from other love stories. It’s a story characterized by profound topics and gives time for dialogue. Mainly the question for the purpose of life runs like a common thread through the movie. And it tells of the magic of love and its healing power!

For sure, a lot submitted for the role of Lisa. What was the crucial point to decide for Julia Domenica?

Magic! There are a lot of good actors out there but the interplay of two actors is crucial to me. It just has to fit; it has to resonate. I simply do not know a better word but magic!

You did not have a lot of money for this production. That was different when you did your former productions. Doesn’t this limit you to realize that?

Most important, to be independent! I never ever want to experience again that a producer cut out the most important scene of a film. To stay free in my decisions and my creativity I totally rely on sponsoring and private donors. Additional, I have the luck that all the actors work for this project for small money or even nonpaid as well as the film crew. For most of them this is a matter that is near to their hearts, like for me! Of course, I can say that it’s a special challenge to work absolutely professional in such a limited financial frame but I want to make a virtue out of necessity. The Irish independent movie “Once” from John Carney in 2006 proofed that you can create a wonderful piece with only little money. This or similar productions are my example!

Is there a certain film style which you go for?

I concentrate more on the magic of French films than on American ones. The big examples for me are films like “Amélie”, “The Chorus” or also the Swedish feature “As it is in heaven”. Of course, these are high expectations but you have to have goals in your life.

Will you, as a musician, be participating in the making of the soundtrack for the movie as well?

Yes. I already wrote the main themes. Some of my songs will also to be heard in the movie.

“Lisa and the Painter” seems to be very personally to you. Is this a wrong impression?

For sure there are some parallels to my life but in the end it’s a fictional story. But I admit willingly that a lot of topics that appear in the film through the encounter of Lisa and Philipp also has been a thing to think about for me and still do. In this sense, indeed it is a very personal movie.

When will the movie be finished?

We do not have time pressure but we plan for 2017.

The Paintings

Gemälde Section

You can order the paintings from the movie as canvas prints. Please send us an inquiry to .





Sponsor & Private Supporters

Thomas Busse and the film team of “Lisa and the Painter” thank a lot from their hearts all supporters for their trust and financial means who made it possible to bring this project to life!

A special thanks to the main sponsor Harald Skroch
Bauplanung Harald Skroch